9/8 Seaweed Commons at Seagriculture USA

The SeAgriculture Conference, the 1st international seaweed conference in the US, is coming to Portland Sept. 7-8 and Seaweed Commons is presenting! Alongside other speakers focused on ecology and sustainability, Severine will be presenting on "A Right Sized Seaweed Economy" on the 8th.

Registration for 2022 Seagriculture USA is sold out, but you can join Seaweed Commons for drinks and conversation in Portland on Friday night - email [email protected] or [email protected] if you are interested!

Our friends at Focus Maine wanted to be sure Maine's seaweed sector gets the national and global attention it deserves. They compiled the Maine Seaweed Showcase, a summary of farmers, innovators, educators, researchers, and nonprofits working to create a resilient, thriving seaweed aquaculture industry in Maine. Led by @FocusMaine and co-created with submissions from 15+ leaders and entrepreneurs in Maine's blue economy, this publication features 35+ businesses, projects, programs, and initiatives across the state. You can read it here!